Tonight is Christmas Day night it has been a really different Christmas Wednesday Mother had Jim and Beverly come by and pick up some presents. To drop off by Marsha on they way to Beverly Mother house Lorri were come to pick Mother and me up to take us to Marsha for Christmas Eve Jay Karen they family were come up from Texas that day too. Marsha was going to having all of us at her house this year we were looking forward been together like we do every years. But we all woken up the next morning Christmas Eve Day to a blizzard we thought it going be a little snow storm but it was a blizzard. All of Jim family was already up there Jim call Mother to see how we doing she tell him we wait for Lorri he said the weather start getting bad and then Lorri call she told Mother her car turn around on the ice she said I'm in Oklahoma I don't know what to do. By this time Mother tell her it start come down here she told Lorri see if you can get back to Bowie and call back then Jim call he told Mother he believe we all need to stay home she said I do too. Mother ask him to tell Marsha what going on. Lorri call said she make back to Bowie Mother tell her to go home that she and Jim decide it not worth get out there in the blizzard it be bad for all of us to get on the road someone call Jay to tell him I think we are all going to try again for next weekend to get together. By this time it about lunchtime Mother and I sat down to eat we look out and watch the blizzard the wind blow all day long we thought it going the take the roof off of the house we haven't heard it blow like that before. It were a quite Christmas Eve everyone keep calling see how we doing Mother and I watch that movie The Christmas Story it about the boy want a BB Gun for Christmas it a good movie. All of Jim and Beverly family went on over to Marsha Christmas Eve Day with Marsha family they said the kids play in the snow. That night we got a e-mail from Marsha she said The Inn Is Full we didn't know what she talking about until the next day someone told us that they were all leave Marsha and Jim family all had to come back because all they cars got stuck in the snow they all had to spend the night with her. At one point Jay call Mother he want to know what we doing she said Pam and I are watch it snow and watch movies he said we are doing the same thing. Mother said Jay the last time we had to stay home for Christmas it was because of you he laugh and want to know why Mother tell him you suppose be born the doctor told me to stay home it were worth because we got you. Jim and Beverly came by here Saturday after Christmas Day it nice to see them they spend the night with us that night we watch some Hallmark movies. Yes it was a quite Christmas but we were all thankful that the Lord give us a warm house food and each other. Happy Birthday Jesus!!!
To those shepherds so long ago, it was just another ordinary day, or night, on the job. They didn't know that they would soon be visited by angels, or that it would be the night of the Messiah's (Jesus) long awaited arrival on earth. Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:36-44 that his return will also come one of these days when we are not expecting it, and that we "must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him." (NIV)
Saturday Mom and I went to church to meet everyone they is a group of us we went to Wichita Falls to see the play. Two From Galilee it were really good we all enjoy it. After the play we went to Mcbride steak house to eat and be with christian friends it a fun time.
To all my Brother's out there trying to win the battles!
Be the kind of man that when your feet hit the floor each morning the devil
Was it worth it?!?!?!?
Jeff and I love doing projects around the house. A new flower bed,
painting... We always have a good time together and are so pleased to see
our finished p...
I Love these Girls!
Jennifer, Coby, April and I went to Canton for the day. It was so much fun,
especially since we were all kid-free for the day! My kids do not like
Canton a...