Saturday, June 28, 2008

James Smith Diana Husband

Thursday Marsha call Mother she told her that she got a newsletter from Bone & Joint Hospital when she read it Marsha said they a story in it about a guy in a small town Temple Oklahoma. About ours cousin James Smith Diane husband some time ago James went up there to had knee surgery. I don't remember how it went but it seem like the doctor saw where his is bold legs they want to straight out his legs for him. James is a neat guy after the doctor did the surgery they told him to go home and throw away all of his shoe because if his put them back on it will wrong all the surgery. We saw him after it was all over with he look great and very tall we were happy for him.

Mother call Uncle George to see if his and Aunt Clovis heard about the newsletter after Marsha call her. Uncle George said yes we heard I guess the hospital send them a newletter it sound like it neat story. In the picture James is behind everyone.

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