Friday, March 27, 2009

Some Letters I Got When I Were At CPI

For a long time I had writing a book about my life I still work on it once while. This week I were going through it I saw some letters that I put in the book I got these when I were in CPI when I were a little girl here is few of them from family I thought maybe you might like to read this because some of you write to me back then.

Dear Pam,

I got back in time for Bible School this morning. Hope you are having a good time and making new friends. Jay wanted to know where thissy was. I told him you were at school. James is mowing the yard. He says it is killing him. He is working so hard. Marsha is cleaning house. You be a sweet girl and I'll write again later.



Hi Pam,

We had a nice shower of rain. Looks like rain today. I have four more days of school. My teachers are from Norman, Miss Lewis and Miss Stearson. Grandmother made her trip fine. She is home. Granddaddy went fishing yesterday. Alice and Ann spent time with me last week.


Aunt Myrtie

Dear Pam,

We went to vacation bible school today. When we got back from church, I rode to the store and got a new airplane. We are cleaning house. Today we dusted and rearranged the furniture. It is raining outside and we are all staying in. Jay Paul is asleep in Daddy's big chair. We miss you and will see you Friday.

With Love,



Hello Pam,

I guess I better write my girl a few lines to let you know I have been thinking of you and say we will see you Friday. I just got in from Lindsay off of a job and am on my way home. You be a big girl. See you Friday with the dollar for you. You won.



Dear Pam,

Well, how are you this week? We made it home all right Sunday night. We got home about seven o’clock. We stopped on the way and ate supper. I took Marsha down to your Aunt Myrtie yesterday. She wasn't at home so I took her to Grandma Smith. Uncle Roy and Aunt Myrtie were up at Grandma's helping them build a room on their house. Kenny Ray and I went to Grandma Kindred and stayed the rest of the day. Aunt Pat moved back to Temple. Well this is the last week for you at school. I'll bet it just flies by like last week. Are you going to win another dollar or will you have to pay your Daddy one this week? Well, I better close and get busy cutting grass. So I'll see you next week. Be a good girl.


Aunt Lois & Uncle Kenneth


Dear Pam,

How are you doing? We are doing all right. Waiting for you to come home on Friday. We went to Bible school today and I fell down two stairs. It started to rain right in the middle of it too. Are you having fun with your puzzles? Have you gone swimming yet? I will be glad when you get home. We miss you very much.

With Love,


(P.S. I making some hearts at the end of the letter)

Dear Pam,

Well how are you? Fine, I hope. I am O.K. Still working. Be a sweet girl, which I know you are I love you a lot.

Grandmother Kindred



I down at camp and am thinking of you. I'll see you Saturday.



Dear Pam,

How are you doing? I hope you are having fun this week. I will be down after you about 1:30 P.M. I think we will wait until Monday to go after sister.

Love, Mommy & Daddy

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